Monday, September 23, 2013

May 7th, 1945, Liberation Day

This is the best day of my life. I'm finally free of the Nazi camps and I'm staying in real house, with real food, and furniture and beds. But but i got off the bed in the middle of the night because the bed are to soft so I'm just sleeping on the floor by my choice. I should probably tell you the story of how I got here and  why I'm the luckiest man in the world.

After staying in the camp for awhile with Aaron, I was transferred many times to other camps. Some in other countries. In one of my camps, I got a disease called dysentery. Dysentery is a very deadly disease and one of the symptoms is have a terrible case of diarrhea. A very bad case. A lot of people in the camps where having the same disease as I was and they were died. I was really scared. Could this be the end? Well my kapo was nice enough to take me to the sick barracks. I stayed in there for 3 days drinking a coal solution that making me feel a little bit better, sleeping off and on all the time. Than that day I noticed a doctor with a shot going from one sick prisoner to the next. As I watched, I realized that with in minutes of receiving the shot, the man would jerk spasmodically-and than die. The doctor was killing them! I got out crawling than a prisoner on an errand asked me "Which barracks." as if he knew what was happening. I told and soon enough I was on a sleeping cot and with the help of the same kapo, I was transferred to an inside job so i could recover and I did.

After getting transferred again, while being processed, I met a man would change my out look on this situation. He was about my age (16) and he was in the line with me. "My name is Moniek," He said in polish and smiled. I was surprised he smiled since people never smiled in the camps. "Do you have a name prisoner 16013?" "Yes prisoner 13863." I said as I looked down at his number "The name is Jack." And the rest is history. We even got so lucky one time we got to work in the kitchen and serve meals. This was the best because any food we could find we could slip into our pockets and it was a lot better than doing labor work. It was the best thing that (besides Moniek) that happened to me in the camps. Moniek was always light hearted and told funny jokes and tried to make the whole experience better.

Than the thing I had finally been waiting for happened. We were liberated today. We woke up to nothing. It was odd because were all used to a yelling kapo. We opened the lock door, cautiously stepping out into the open. To our surprise it was empty. Not exactly the liberation i expected but I didn't care, I was free. Moniek and I found a bread shop and the lady told we could have all the bread because she fleeing from the incoming Russians. It was the greatest thing I had ever tasted. Real bread not stuff with sawdust. We found an abandoned house and we are staying here for the night. We had tons of canned meat, vegetables, and even candy! Later some Russians came and told us good luck and stay as long as you like. Tonight I'm sleeping full and clean, the only thing that would be better is of my family was here.
*Pg84 *Pg85

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